
Friday 5 October 2012

Week Three


I began this week by studying and creating simple line drawings based around optical illusions and optical art. I was exploring the ideas of how we make assumptions about space based on our senses and how we can easily alter how we perceive a space by manipulating our senses. Most optical art has been made in 2D so I began to look at converting my two dimensional ideas into sculptural pieces. I made small prototypes from paper and pen to figure out how I would translate my ideas into three dimensional works. As you can see from the selection of work above I have now moved on to making a series of larger sculptures based off the same ideas. However the sculpture might only work from certain viewpoints so I may need to bring the sculptures back to 2D later on by photographing them. Next week I might also place the pieces in certain spaces or in a certain order so that it might add to the illusion. I could also use these sculptures and combine them with animation or film to make some really interesting work.    

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