
Friday 19 October 2012

Week Five


This week I continued my exploration around how we perceive space. Again I have altered the space that the sculptures occupy which changes how the piece is viewed. I have hung the sculptures from a wooden frame which adds borders to the space the 3D piece occupies and makes the space much smaller. The frame also gives more obvious viewpoints to observe the piece from. I also experimented with different materials this week. So far I have been working with the idea that the sculpture is a three-sided, concave box with another box or design occupying the space within it. However I made an inverse of this design in clay making a solid box with a block missing from it. I also experimented with mirrors to create the illusion of space using a half of the sculpture and allowing the mirror to create the other half. Next week I plan on creating more pieces in clay and I may also start experimenting with print so that I am transferring the idea between 3D and 2D.   

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